Saturday, December 19, 2009

Some thoughts about abortions

I decided that before I start talking about the school of my dreams I have to touch a couple of topics of child upbringing. The first one, of course, is abortion. I know it's extremely controversial political issue which makes or brakes political careers. For 25 years I have lived in this country and the issue is as hot as it was then. I couldn't believe my ears first time I learned that the politicians waste their time and our money discussing year after year what to do with the unborn children avoiding the topics of how would the society take care of the born ones. Hey, woman, raise your hand if you wish to have an abortion! Nobody? Look at that! there is no woman who would like to get an abortion. None. Nada. Zero. So what are we really discussing???? Nothing? not an issue? The woman knows if she is carrying an unwanted baby, this is why she chooses to get an abortion. If the society wants the unwanted baby, the society has to raise the child, take care of the child's needs, love him or her, and bring up a happy and fulfilled human being. Can we afford that? If, yes, let's prohibit the abortions and create nurseries for those babies; where the professionals will take care of the kids. Here it is, a simple solution, open and real. If we care so much about those babies, let's take care of them. Let's give them education. Let's have them feel loved and important. The crime will go down, I promise you that. Why are we arguing? Because of the hippocracy on both sides of the argument. One side pretends that they love "Life" so much that they can't kill, but sends those children back to the families that didn't want them in the first place and then to wars where they get killed any way. Usually this opinion is supported by men and some women who can't concentrate on the real issue. Stalin, great humanitarian, sends his "Hi" to those men and women. He prohibited abortions in the Soviet Union. Did he care about lives? While he was in power some 40 millions of russians were killed in wars and concentration camps. The other side doesn't care about the baby at all they only concentrate on the mother's need, wishes and capriciousness. It's her body, so let's cut the baby into pieces and take it out of there, even if it's already too late to make this kind of decision. We have to teach women the responsibility of being a mother and carrying the next generation of human beings. We do have to be given a limited time to make those decisions. We must show how we care about the baby because we do. In my opinion extremes are never right. The truth is always in the middle. And unless we can afford taking care of those kids as a society we can't prohibit abortions. We can though prepare for the time when abortions will not be needed because we can take care of all the newborns as a society. Until then the issue should be left alone. Let's talk about how we can bring up happy and fulfilled human beings.