Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Type 2 Diabetes after Keto

Here is a link to my first research on the topic of Type 2 Diabetes done in 2009.

During COVID 19 pandemia, while sitting at home like all of us, I decided to experiment with myself some more and tryed the Keto diet. First of all I have to say that I loved my Keto Diet. Everything the enthusiast of this diet say turned out to be true for me. Less than 3 moths later I was in ketosis. That means all my organs were getting their bio energy from fat not glucose. I did feel more energetic. I had a clearer mind and thoughts. I could take care of my dayly routine faster and better. I could focus on any given task and stay focused longer. I felt happier and at piece. I also could avoid some negative experiences that usually are related with the beginning of Keto because I added more salads and water in my everyday consumption to avoid the typical constipations. In 3 months I was 10 lb lighter. My sugar was normal with less effort. Another 3 months and I quited Keto. So you would ask me: Why?

My answer is related to my so called Type 2 Diabetes and my love for fruits. I noticed that if I ate apples my morning sugar was 10 to 20 unites higher than without apples. That means that, what they say about fruits on Keto, is also true like everything else. It also means that while in ketosis my body would prefer the fat over the glucose and free sugar was just floating in my blood unused. That was my hypothesis then and this is what continues to almost becoming my theory now.
Unfortunately, I have no idea who and where is doing diabetes research. They all are arguing about how to reduce your blood sugar either natually by proper life style or with a magic pill. I do not think anyone have a research on why and when our bodies increase or decrease our blood sugar. I noticed that my sugar is higher when I get a cold, or get nervous. It gets high in the morning but goes all the way down midday. I also noticed that sometimes after eating a cake in the evening I wake up with normal sugar while other times I go to sleep hungry and wake up with sugar elevated by 20-30 units.
There are no answers, only questions.
Today, 3 years after Keto, I eat everything. I follow only a couple of rules: I do have a small breakfast, sometimes it is just a coffee with half&half, a lot of half&half. 4-5 hours later I eat my largest meal of the day. Within 1 hour after that, I start drinking my tea often with something sweet, but it can also be just an apple, other fruits, or dry pretzels. My morning sugar is higher than my midday sugar, but I have no other symptoms, like blur vission, ot bleeding gums, or slowly healing wounds. The body works like a clock. I keep steady weight. I also walk in the woods from 2000 to 10000 steps a day.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Современный феминизм

Here is the current position of an american feminist, watch the TED Talk.

Когда-то давно, когда я была молодая, я не понимала как это мужчина и женщина могут быть равными, если они ну ни как не равные, мамтематически очевидно. Только после жизни в штатах и знакомством с мнениями местных женщин я поняла, что равными, не биологически и не математически, а в правах перед законом. Это меня слегка примирило с феминизмом.
Я же приехала сюда из Советского Союза, а там феминизм был прямо противоположным нашему американскому феминизму. Я печатала листовки для диссидетов в начале 80х, и помню, что тема феминизма по-русски поднималась регулярно. Как тяжело женщинам работать, как им необходимо проводить больше времени с детьми и семьей дома. Очень сильно превалировало мнение, что женщинам необходимо дать возможность оставаться домашними хозяйками. Это мнение для Советского Союза было передовым, потому что за тунеядство сажали, а растить детей не очень-то работой и считалось, бабушки справлялись.
Вообще, надо сказать, что менталитет есть результат исторического развития. В России мужчин призывали в армию на 25 лет. В деревнях оставались дети и старики, ну еще инвалиды возвращались с войн, то есть вся работа оставалась на женщин. Вот и росли русские женщины все эти века такими сильными и выносливыми. Они и пахали, и косили, и урожай убирали, и детей нянчили, и дом вели. Они становились главами семей без мужчин, поэтому умели и командовать и решения принимать. Нечего удивляться почему русским женщинам так часто хочется почувствовать себя слабыми, зависимыми, почему им хочется посидеть с детьми и приготовить обед для своей семьи. Вот почему русский феминизм так отличается от феминизма в других странах.
Пока русские женщины пахали, америкарскую женщину выписывали по почте и брали в жены не глядя, запирали на ферме и тоже заставляли работать, убирать, растить детей и готовить обед, но в поле, в основном, работал мужчина. В первый раз в массовом количестве американские женщины вышли на работу, на заводы и фабрики, в 1944 году, когда мужчин призвали на вторую мировую войну. А когда мужчины с войны вернулись женщин попытались вернуть на кухню, а результатом стал воинствующий феминизм. Более интересно об этом показано в фильме с Мадонной A League of Their Own.
Почему он был воинственным? Потому что, опять же история виновата, женщинам не давали жить ни дома, где их и детей регулярно избивал муж, ни на работе, где кроме реальной работы их использовали начальники и сослуживцы в качестве сексуального расслабления от обычного рутинного стреса. Только сильные могли делать попытки к сопротивлению, но тогда они лишались работы. А про то, как в обеспечинных семьях высокопоставленный муж избивает жену после работы, всплыло только в 90х, когда я уже жила здесь. Одна за другой избитые жены из так называемых благополучных семей стали публиковать свои интервью в газетах и журналах. И вся эта правда вылезла наружу. Сколько существуют штаты, 250 лет. Ну вот 250 лет секретов и скелетов вылезли наружу в 90х, а дочери тех матерей встали за равные права на рабочем месте только в 10х годах уже этого тысячелетия.
Движение "Me Too" вскрыло незаживающий нарыв отношений мужчин и женщин во всем мире. Вот как рассказывает про многотысячный опыт каждодневных приставаний Лаура Бэйтс из Великобритании.
А вот что думают о фаминизме современные передовые мужчины: ссылка 1

Ну и под конец немного астрологии. Мы, человеки, вступаем в новую эру Водолея, это значит что мы все станем немного водолеями на следующие 2000 лет. Прошлая эра была эрой рыб и мы все были немножко рыбами примерно с рождества Христова. Такие ценности, как уважение к старшим сменится на уважение по заслугам, а не по возрасту или чину. "Каждый сверчек знай свой шесток" перекуется в стремление найти себя и свое счастье. Духовность будет важнее религиозности. Сильный и независимый индивидум, который сможет и за себя постоять и слабых защитить, придет на смену послушных и зависимых. Заметьте я не сказала мальчик или девочка, потому что Водолею ваш пол без разницы. А закончу с юмором: ссылка 2

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

How Americans Changed in 40 years

There is an opinion that our civilization is defined by the development of our technology, but the morality of people stays the same. People do not change.
I do not agree with that.
I agree that we change mu-a-a-a-uch slower than our technologies. In those thousands of years of our history we did learn to take care of each other. We care about the lives of others, not just our own. Here is a link to a quote by Margaret Mead to how she defined civilization and being civilized. So I am more in agreement with Margaret Mead than with the general opinion that our civilization is defined by the development of our technology.
However, I do understand that without technology we couldn’t take care of each other as well as we do now. I also am not a person who wants to go back to the caves in spite of the fact that I vote green when I have a chance. Here, I want to talk about just the last 40 years of our modern lives. The reference to the thousands of years back was just an illustration of how slowly the real change in our minds happens.
What happened 40 years ago? I had just moved to the United States and felt euphoria about the fact. My euphoria lasted for long enough not just because I moved out of the Soviet Union, but also because the general idea deeply brainwashed into the minds of all Americans that we are free compared to all others, affected me too.
What made me the most happy at that time was the fact that I could say whatever I was thinking and people who disagreed with my opinions had not lost any respect to me personally. That was like a breath of fresh air for a person who grew up in the society that ingrained in their souls that if you are not with us you are against us. Everyone had to think the same, was taught to have the same opinions about the facts and books, and, of course, voted the same and unanimously every time again and again.
I can’t forget how I, a new and young teacher in our very democratic New York, never had to hide the fact that I voted for republicans. They did comment, they disagreed, but they loved me anyway, even my students, young and passionate souls, listened to why I was voting differently.
Only 40 years!!!!
We still can say what we think and we often do, but the result is not the same.
Compared to the Soviet Union we still stay free, nobody will put us to jail for a different opinion. But we’ll be judged! You’ll be judged by friends, coworkers, society, and family!
It started slowly, it still is not completely ingrained, but it’s around all and each of us. Remember how families lost their members just because of different opinions about Trump? BLM?
Majority now shares the opinions of the media it follows.
I find it very interesting, I just realized, 40 years later, that it was less the power of the Soviet Union authorities, but more the power of the Soviet Union media that brainwashed us into zombies that voted unanimously.
It took us, humans, tens of thousands of years to learn to take care of one another and only 40 years to throw stones into those who think differently.
I am an optimist though, I believe that we are just taking a step backwards before we leap into our freethinking future.

Friday, June 16, 2023

About Consciousness, Crime, Punishment, and the Bible.

I was walking in the woods yesterday and thinking. This is the place and time when I am most inclined to process all my philosophical thoughts. This time I started thinking about conscience again. First of all how I would define what conscience is for me: conscience is what does not let me sleep at night forcing me to discuss with myself again and again things I did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say, what I would or should do or say differently.

Have you read “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevski? It’s a famous detective story. A young guy killed an old woman and a detective investigates the crime. The difference is that we, the readers, know all the time who was the killer and follow his every thought and feeling. He couldn’t sleep or eat. He followed the investigator, unable to do anything else. Why didn’t he hide? Because his conscience was punishing him. This was the idea Dostoevski wanted to bring up to us. We often do not need the punishment from society, we punish ourselves harder.

I remember once we discussed this with my husband, he told me that he would never kill somebody just because he couldn’t do that, but he did not steal things only because he didn’t want to end up in jail. I thought of that and at the moment I decided that I would neither kill nor steal just because, that was it. How little I knew myself then. I did kill a mouse just a few years later with my own hands. We lived on an Island in a tent and the mouse got into our bread eating the last slice. I was hitting and hitting this little thing with my slipper even when it was already dead. As you can see my conscience is still reminding me about the event.

I realized that this conversation was about conscience later. It is different for different people. Some will not sleep at night because they were rude to someone, others will lose sleep only if another was rude to them. However, we, as society, force each other to behave in a specific way to make our common life bearable and to avoid conflicts caused by differences in opinions of our individual consciences.

If only we could bring up our children so they could recognize when their conscience (not their friends) talks to them and learn to listen to its suffering.

Very recently I have realized that the Bible is the book written to teach us to talk to our conscience. Maybe, the Old Testament less, but the entire New Testament is only about that.

I want to use one very widely spread example: here is the cite from the Bible “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” and a very common explanation from google: “Given the close connection between ethics and eschatology in Jesus's teachings, Tertullian concluded that the command to “judge not” is a reminder to us that judgment and punishment are not ours to mete, but God's.” Is this possible? Is this reasonable? Why would we wait our whole life to be judged? No way. The judgment and the punishment come right away in a form of your own conscience. And for those who don’t feel it, we, as a society, have a well defined system of police, courts, and jails. There is nothing we do in this system that works against the Bible because the Bible, at least the New Testament, talks to you personally, not to the whole society. You, personally, stop judging others for what they do or say, mind your own business. More accurately worded would be: I should not judge others for what they say or do, I should mind my own business, you do whatever is legal and it’s not my business.