Saturday, November 22, 2008

Can we talk?

The most powerful emotion that we ever experience is, probably, love to our children. I think majority will agree with me. Because this is such a strong emotion it is so hard to talk about anything related to it. Every time somebody talks about our children we feel “attacked”. Even from teachers who spend so much time with the kids and know them pretty well we want to hear only the good things and we dread any kind of other than praise input because we take it as criticism and nobody likes to be criticized for the way they bring up their children. We all are like this. I want my children be “the best” I will criticize them as much as I like, but nobody can criticize them with me. You know what? I agree with that. So I for years I have not criticized other people children. They all are wonderful. Sometimes much better than their own parent know ;) How can we learn to talk about our children constructively?

1 comment:

Yaodongg said...

Thanks for your reply to my comment on Ning.I am glad we are colleagues online now.
Hope to meet you on skype or Yahoo messenger soon.