Thursday, August 1, 2024

Chain of Thoughts

It is so hard to put in writing all the thoughts that fly in my head while I drive to work in the morning.

Today I decided to write down at least one sentence as a mood description or as they say on Facebook “ what’s on my mind”. I forgot what was so important that I needed to share, but I’ll try to show the chain of thoughts.

The media informs us every day that our economy grows. They compare us with other countries and say we have an economy that grows faster than any other economy. We are so proud of ourselves. Hooray! The euphoria lasts until you realize that it grows because we are bombing a good half of the world. Our economy grows because the workers now have to replace the used bombs with the new ones. Bombs are goods in demand by our military which really uses our tax money when ordering the bombs to be built.

Next, I begin to calculate in my head how much money I pay to bomb those people. If my monthly federal tax is about $800 that means I support a day of “work” of 2 military contractors sent out there into the world to bomb some people in my name. Those contractors are famous for killing innocent civilians and their families, raping local girls and filming the rape as porn movies.

Then I switch to thinking that people, who seek jobs, which have killing somebody as a job description, seem sick in their heads. It is not strange that at home they turn into violent family members who end up killing their wives or children, or both. Violence has this influence on us, humans, it replicates and spreads.

Of course, from the military I have to move on to police and think of training our police. This “training” turns normal, average people into racist sadists. They come to serve and protect us, but after training all they want is to beat us up and if we still move, shoot us (here “us” are mostly black people) to finish. They believe they can give us orders, interrupt our daily routine, raise their voice at us and our children, use interrogation techniques when talking to citizens, and curse. What kind of training is it?

Here is the graph:

If crime goes down, why do we train more and more police? Why do we have so many people in jails? Don’t tell me that those are the criminals, we all know they are marijuana smokers sitting in jail, paid by our taxes, for nonviolent crimes. Violent crime is down, that's the fact.

So, here it is, one day of thoughts while driving to work.

Мысли после просмотра интервью с Михалковым

Я это интервью посмотрела где-то в начале 2024. Интервьюера звали Надежда, а интервьюируемого Никита Михалков. Больше ничего не помню, а вот ответ я написала и теперь решила его опубликовать.
Неплохое интервью, почему? потому что можно увидеть нормального человека и гениального режиссера Никиту Михалкова. Где-то на 27 минуте заговорили об идеологических войнах, и вот я уже пишу.

Я 40 лет живу в США. Училась, работала, растила детей, похоронила мужа, наблюдаю за взрослением моих внуков. Вся моя взрослая и сознательная жизнь прошла здесь, поэтому меня всегда корёжит когда девочки или мальчики, которые приезжают на запад, как туристы, общаясь с русскими и еврейскими иммигрантами, вроде меня, начинают рассуждать о моей свободе. Никакой свободы в США не было Никогда.

Я училкой в школе проработала 30 лет, я хорошо знаю историю этой страны. Правда, 50 лет назад журналисты Никсона с поста президента сняли, 40 лет назад в прессе все еще можно было много чего узнать, но не теперь. Теперь мы ее называем мидией и эта мидия находится в руках 2-х больших и Очень богатых семей. И эти семьи платят зарплату только тем, кто согласен промывать мозги своим читателям, слушателям и зрителям, гораздо хуже, чем нам, бывало, в Советском Союзе рассказывали, что нужно думать и про что.

В 1995 году ко мне в школу привели грузинскую девушку, она тоже стала учителем биологии и математики, как и я. Мы очень подружились, мы и сейчас дружим. Однако через год ее уволили, по сокращению штатов, а потом на ее место наняли какого-то парня. Не поощряется у нас здесь дружба. Дружбу и у детей и у взрослых хитростью и силой выбивают. Там где есть дружба, там есть вероятность коллективного бунта (это Форд придумал, когда первые конвейеры открывал). Нас здесь в узде держат экономическими способами и отнимая дружбу. В тот день, когда Маю уволили я ехала домой в бешенстве и думала: Уволюсь! в знак протеста, а потом задумалась, а кто будет детей кормить, кто будет ипотеку платить, и поняла, что продана я, с потрохами, дяде Сэму!!!! А Надежда, мне так радостно сообщает о моей свободе. Корёжит!

Свободы, такой о которой Наденька пытается рассуждать вообще не существует.

Да и с Михалковскими рассуждениями о нас я не согласна, он тоже как турист с несколько расширенным интеллектом рассуждает. Только почему весь наш многонациональный и многорасовый народ, которого 300 000 000, целиком свели к гомикам, которых не больше 10%? Все о чем мы тут толкуем это дать им равные юридические права, кто против?

На сегодняшний день, я думаю, что идеологические войны происходят по заказу наших богачей, а русские бессильны пока не понимают, что в этой войне нельзя идти пройденными путями и нельзя отвечать на атаки напрямую. Нужно искать хитрые, окружные, но позитивные и конструктивные пути. Давайте вспомним еще одного гения, Маркса, и начнем дружить с нашими "низами". Пролетарии всех стран соединяйтесь пока богатенькие за свои деньги друг другу глотки грызут (между прочим нашими же руками) и World Wide Web нам в помощь!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Thinking about our future

For millennia humans used to solve their problems and conflicts with violent physical force, whether it was to discipline a slave, a child, a clan, or another country. We still prefer to do so because it's fast and easy. Even if we lose we just will try again later. This is why we have some international or family conflicts that have lasted for decades and even centuries.

I don’t know when and how real pacifism started, I am sure the idea had been around long before Jesus Crist (2000 years ago). However, for us, modern humans, he is the father of our modern non-violent movement against physical, violent solutions for our problems. Of course, we had Gandhi (100 years ago) and Martin Luther King (about 50 years ago). So, let’s assume that the idea of nonviolent solutions for our conflicts and problems reached the masses during the last century.

Nonviolent solutions for many human problems reached such a huge population in the world that it became unlawful to beat up the wife and the kids in many countries. We banned capital punishment in many countries too. I am happy about all of these changes because I see the seedlings of the future growing within the ruins of our still violent today.

You would ask why we move into our future so slowly. I think it’s because any permanent change happens very slowly. It’s too tempting to solve the problem with violence very fast: the child didn’t listen - prohibit and enforce using the belt. It doesn’t matter, that the kid will hate you at this moment if you are lucky or forever if you are not. The solution is fast and doesn’t require any thought or creativity. They say: "My father did it and I came out fine." The fact is that we are not fine! Violence never made anything fine! We have to beg our children for forgiveness for our weakness because using physical force is always a sign of moral and ethical weakness.

When English Powers assassinated Mahatma Gandhi they made him immortal and showed the whole world that nonviolent protest against any power is more powerful than them. They just couldn't think about any other solution for their problem and they wanted it fast. When our powers killed Martin Luther King they made him immortal! Today every kid in American school, maybe in any school of the world, is learning about the power of nonviolence. Let's add to that and teach the kids the moral and ethical weakness of violence.

Nonviolence is difficult. Nonviolence is slow. Nonviolence makes 2 steps forward then goes 1 step back. However, nothing permanent is fast.

We all remember the confrontation between the oil corporations of the US and Canada against our Native American Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Dakota, in 2016. The nonviolent protest lasted through 2016. WE, the people from all over the world, sent food, clothes, money, building materials to those who did the job of nonviolent protest. Many came to Dakota to join the lines. Anyone who suggested any kind of organized violence against police was removed from the picket lines and returned to the police as a provocator. It ended only when the winter came. The Dakota climate is similar to Siberia, negative 40 degrees started in October, as I remember, and police started to pour water into the picket lines. We will not forget. They are in our common memory in spite of the fact that the pipeline is built on the Sacred Lands of Standing Rock Reservation. This story is added to the history of nonviolence. The most important is the fact that the struggle continues!

If there are so many people ready for our common nonviolent future, why do we still live in our violent present? Isn’t 2000 years enough? The answer is - obviously not. The real changes started only in the last 100 years. The process moves faster, the more people are involved, the sooner we’ll reach critical mass. Right now those with an old world mentality are in power, they own the money, they pay the salaries, they create the rules. They control governments, armies, police, and the media. They will prolong the current system as long as they can. A lot has to happen before they’ll join our nonviolent mentality. And we have to always remember that nonviolence is just the first step into our real humanitarian future.