Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Am I becoming my Mother?

Every woman thought. Some of us are thinking of that in awe, some of us are thinking of that with pride, some of us mean the character, some of us think of the appearance, or voice, or gestures, or moods or ..... Each of us had her personal experience with her mother and each of us will repeat this experience with her own kids sometimes without even noticing because she acts on subconscious level. Your mother started to teach you before you can remember yourself or even before you were born.
I love my mother very much. She is a very good person, dissent and kind. She had the best intentions when bringing up my brother and me. We had a very good and traditional family. What happened to us when I turned 18? Now, when I am 55 and have my own adult children, I think she had a hard time to let me go. She suddenly tried to control, allow, or prohibit whatever I did or wherever I went. And I, in turn, suddenly wanted my privacy which I had never needed before :) The problem, normal for many families turned into political conflict and involved authority figures, political hunger strike, courts, and ended soon after I found myself in jail for 10 day for civil disobedience, not violent crime :) I am a pacifist ;)
This was a process of me becoming an adult.
Do you remember the time when you became adult? Do you remember the role of your mother in the process?
I really need to collect different experiences. I believe that if we share our experiences and our mistakes and our successes the next generation will have it a little easier. It was almost impossible before the computers. Let's use them to improve the lives of our children.

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