Sunday, May 18, 2008

Readers and Writes

I used to love to read; couldn't live a day without reading something. I was addicted to the process and very seldom I ran into something I didn't want to finish reading. Same with movies I could watch anything: 2, 3 even 4 movies a day: in the Soviet Union tickets were very cheap and here I could always rent. So I was an absorber of information :) Things started to change. First, I realized that I could not read newspapers. Then I found that there were books I just could not finish. I remember one day I stopped the movie in the middle, I think it was "Something about Mary" I just couldn't watch it any longer. Now I am a new me. I know by the first paragraph if I am going to read the book or not or just by the first scene I know if I am going to watch the movie or not. The process continues in the internet. I am reading blogs and by the first sentence I know if I am going to finish it or I just will move on. If I didn't develop this ability to move on I would be still reading Walter Scott and Balsac. There is another change in me I want to share my thoughts with others. I was always a very private person. What is going on with me? I think I am becoming a writer ;) We have a joke in Russian: an interviewer is asking a new author if he liked a book by another author and he answers:"I am not a reader I am a writer!" So, here I am a new writer.

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