Friday, May 22, 2009

Type 2 Diabetes

Very interesting thing this Type 2 Diabetes, also called Insulin Resistance. They say that your cells refuse to take glucose in because of the insulin resistance. So what’s the cure? Turns out they choose to add more insulin: very logical solution. It kills 2 birds with one stone: first it kills the pancreas, which stops producing its own insulin (used to work well before the treatment); and it kills any hope to ever go medicine free, which is a good news for the pharmaceutical companies.

I have a history: both, my mother and my mother-in-law, were turned into diabetics 40 years ago when the experiment with Type 2 Diabetes just started. They both believed the doctors and took the medicine offered to treat their conditions. My mother-in-law now completely depends on insulin and gives herself a shot after every meal. My mother refused to use insulin treatment (she could do that even in horrible Soviet Union) so she was treated with other hormonal medications, she is also dependent on the medication she takes. Her chronic condition is good for the business. Both of them are paying, and paying, and paying all these long 40 years.

Both of them were menopausal women in their forties or fifties at the time they were “forced” to start the medication treatment of their high blood sugar. I am a menopausal woman now and my hormones are out of wack too. My sugar numbers are not stable, but my pancreas is making insulin, it’s alive and well. Thank you, my insurance company, for not paying for the deadly medication which would make me drug dependant for the rest of my life just like my mother.

I Googled Diabetes and Wikipedia has all this info about Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. They talk about insulin-production by the pancreas, and about liver part in glucose making out of fructose, and other hormones that take part in the process of converting excess of fructose into fat. Turns out the whole process was well researched and conclusions were drawn. 40 years of study did help to solve the mystery:

Type 2 Diabetes is not caused by malfunction of the pancreas; it is a different metabolic disorder which can not and should not be treated with insulin. They know that today, the doctors will give you a medicine which does not work on your pancreas, it works with your liver. This is their new experiment: what will happen to Type 2 diabetic if we slow down the liver. Interesting. I almost became a subject in this new experiment, like my mother became a subject of their experiments 40 years ago, which will take another 40 years and many thousands of people to find out that it’s a bad idea. They should not slow down my liver; right opposite, they have to stimulate it to work faster and cleanse my body of all impurities faster too.

My own hypothesis is that my liver was already too slow and covered with fat. This is why I get fat so easily. It’s easer for my liver to store the toxins in fat instead of removing them out of my body. There are holistic researchers who tell me that to help my liver I should change my diet. Eat more food that stimulates the work of my liver like radishes, leeks, pepper, cabbages, onions, and garlic. I do have to cut on sugar, which I love in my coffee and tea, but I only cut it in half, I still put 2 teaspoons in my cup. This is important because half of the sugar molecule is fructose ring which will be converted into fat by my poor lazy liver. I have to continue with my exercise routine, I just have to add some aerobics to make my heart to pump the blood faster from time to time.

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