Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just a few more words about Diabetes

I read this book last summer, my daughter sent it to me and it was the right time for me. Now it's been almost a year since I stopped eating sugar completely. I didn't miss it and I am not going back to adding sugar into my coffee. Now I believe it's taster without sugar :) I lost about 30 pounds during this year, by just taking sugar out. Not all sugar, I eat unlimited amount of fruits. Sometimes I think I'll go bankrupt because of apples, $10 of apples per day seems excessive. My apples are so expensive because they are either organic or from local farms. These apples cleans my liver from fructose and other toxins stored in a form of fat that had been deposited on my stomach for all the previous years. 30 pounds of fat is a lot of volume. I probably lost 2 dress sizes, all my cloths are hanging on me. I reached a plateau in my weigh lose so I added some Pilates exercises recently, they build long slim muscles, so I hope to lose more fat, but I am not sure if I'll lose any weight. We'll see. During this year I had 2 slices of cake, 8 portions of potatoes, and 4 portions of rice. I didn't suffer, I chose my protein diet and I liked it. For breakfast I eat ricotta cheese and coffee with half&half. Lunch always contains some meat and veggies. I drink combucha once or twice every day. My "desert" is made mostly of nuts. I love all kinds of nuts, so I practically do not limit myself in this area. Dinner is different every day, if I ate too many nuts, I just drink green tea and eat my apples. But if I am hungry I would eat soup, or eggs, or anything I have at home even some more meat or ricotta cheese. For those who would like to follow I also drink some water or lemon water (water with squeezed lemon juice) first thing in the morning. This is a good advice for regular bowl movements. I understand that this kind of diet would be much harder to follow if I was a person who loved pasta, rice or bread, but I am not. I am still a menopausal woman, I am still sweating every day, my hormones are still playing games with me. My vision is less blur and this summer I am going to train my eyes to work harder and I will wear glasses less and less. I have some thoughts about some TV adds for people with Type 2 diabetes, vegans, and other people who want to change their diets. Just think about it: why do I need a chocolate cake? or why would a vegan want a burger? Why? The adds on TV make us believe that there are some kind of substitutes for what we suppose to be missing. Instead we have to tell ourselves that we are better off without all those products that made us sick in the first place. I do NOT want a chocolate cake. NEVER again I want to poison my body with any man-made product that will overload my poor liver with work it does not want to do. I am not a vegan, meat does not make me sick, but if it did, the first thing I would cut meat out of my diet for ever and wouldn't ask for a fake burger. Good luck to all of you people in creating your own diet that works for you :) and keeps you healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is quite inspiring! i wish you the best of luck in improving your body, your health, and ultimately your life!