Monday, March 8, 2010

What is science?

Recently I received an email with the following questions. I decided to post my reply here and send this student a link:

1. How has science change throughout history??
To start we first must agree on the definition.
Science is an observation of the world around and an attempt to find explanations to the phenomena observed.
If we all agree on the definition then we can say that science changed through history thanks to the new tools for observation.
It was science that explained to the ancient people that the sun went around the earth. That was the only possible explanation to the observation of the sun going up and down every day. Technology allowed people to build high ceiling cathedrals that allowed Galileo to observe the daily change in the swinging of the pendulum which in turn allowed him to come up with an explanation that its the earth turning on its axis made the sun seemed to go around the earth. Our days we have planes and satellites flying up there and observe and record how the round earth going around the sun.
You can say the science changed through out the history, I would say that technology changed, but the science stayed true to its definition.

2. Is science based on facts or opinion??
Science is based on objective observations, measurements, and records available at the time.

3. Why are there so many different meanings of science??
I am not aware of any different definitions of science. If you do, recite them and put your references.

4. Is it possible to really prove anything with science??
If it is not proven it is not science.

5. How would you answer the question “What is Science” to a high school student??
I respect high school students enough to tell them the same thing I tell you here. Why should the definition be different for the high school kids?

6. What could be done to minimize the misunderstanding of science??
Nothing. If you don't want to understand you will never understand. The latter apples to everything in life not just to science or math. People "understand" whatever they want or choose to "understand".

7. Can you formulate a theory of how will science change in ten years??
Even more computers and robots will be in use for observations and recording.

8. What is the difference between Chemistry, Biology, and Physics??
You really can use a glossary of a textbook or a wikipedia? Chemistry is a study of matter, Biology is a study of life, and Physics is a study of forces in the world around us.

9. In order to understand science, how important is it to understand the past.?
Some people really need to see how the invention happened, but not all of us. Many people can learn science without memorizing the name of the person, who first explained the phenomenon and the circumstances around it.

10.Is science strictly based on theory?
Not at all. It never is based on any theory. Science is based on observations and measurements. Theory is an explanation for the observation, many theories changed as our observation abilities changed. I mostly admire those geniuses who could predict some of the explanations before the obvious observation was available for the general public. One example I already showed you above how Galileo explained the earth's rotation before any plane flue around.

Another example from biology: the word germ appeared in our vocabulary in 1644 almost 10 years before the word microscope was added. That means some genius while observing some phenomenon around predicted the existence of microorganisms before we could actually see them.

I'll post this now, but I will edit it later.

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